Package com.xml_project.morganaxdm

This package contains the classes implementing XQuery and XPath Data Model (XDM)


Interface Summary
Sequence Interface for all sequences that can be wrapped to an XDMSequence
XS_AnyType Any type as defined in XDM.

Class Summary
Array An array as defined in XDM 3.1 (not usable yet)
AtomizingIterator Instancing of this class represent the atomized values of the items in a sequence.
EmptySequence A singleton class representing an empty sequence.
Map A map as defined in XDM 3.1
SchemaTypeTools For internal use only: Some static methods usable for XDM.
ValueFactory Static methods to create Xdm values.
XdmItem The basic value token in XDM: Either a value (atomic, map or array) or a node.
XdmItemIterator Instances of this class are used as iterator over items in an XdmSequence.
XdmSequence A sequence of items from XDM.
XdmValue This interface is the root of all types, either xdm or xs.
XS_AnyAtomicType Abstract base class for all atomic values.
XS_AnySimpleType Abstract base class for all simple XDM values.
XS_AnyURI Implementation of xs:anyURI
XS_base64Binary Implementation of xs:base64Binary
XS_Boolean Implementation of xs:boolean
XS_Byte Implementation of xs:byte
XS_Calendar Abstract base class for all calendar types.
XS_Date Implementation of xs:date
XS_Date.Date Internal implementation for xs:date
XS_DateTime Implementation of xs:dateTime
XS_dayTimeDuration Implementation of xs:dayTimeDuration
XS_Decimal Implementation of xs:decimal
XS_Double Implementation of xs:double
XS_Duration Implementation of xs:duration
XS_Duration.Duration Internal implementation of a duration
XS_ENTITY Implementation of xs:ENTITY
XS_Float Implementation of xs:float
XS_gDay Implementation of xs:gDay
XS_gMonth Implementation of xs:gMonth
XS_gMonthDay Implementation of xs:gMonthDay
XS_gYear Implementation of xs:gYear
XS_gYearMonth Implementation of xs:gYearMonth
XS_hexBinary Implementation of xs:hexBinary
XS_ID Implementation of xs:ID
XS_IDREF Implementation of xs:IDREF
XS_Int Implementation of xs:int
XS_Integer Implementation of xs:integer
XS_language Implementation of xs:language
XS_Long Implementation of xs:long
XS_Name Implementation of xs:name
XS_NCName Implementation of xs:NCName
XS_negativeInteger Implementation of xs:negativeInteger
XS_NMTOKEN Implementation of xs:NMToken
XS_NMTOKENS Implementation of xs:NMTokens
XS_nonNegativeInteger Implementation of xs:nonNegativeInteger
XS_nonPositiveInteger Implementation of xs:nonPositiveInteger
XS_NormalizedString Implementation of xs:normalizedString
XS_NOTATION Abstract base class for xs:notation
XS_Numeric Abstract base class for all numeric values.
XS_positiveInteger Implementation of xs:positiveInteger
XS_QName Implementation of xs:QName
XS_Short Implementation of xs:short
XS_String Implementation of xs:string
XS_Time Implementation of xs:time
XS_Token Implementation of xs:token
XS_unsignedByte Implementation of xs:unsignedByte
XS_unsignedInt Implementation of xs:unsignedInt
XS_unsignedLong Implementation of xs:unsignedLong
XS_unsignedShort Implementation of xs:unsignedShort
XS_Untyped Implementation of xs:untyped
XS_UntypedAtomic Implementation of xs:untypedAtomic
XS_yearMonthDuration Implementation of xs:yearMonthDuration

Enum Summary
SchemaTypeTools.WhitespaceRestriction An enumeration of the defined whitespace restrictions
XS_AnyAtomicType.ValueComparers An enumeration of the defined compare operations
XS_Numeric.Functions An enumeration of the function for numeric values.
XS_Numeric.Operations An enumeration of the operation for numeric values.

Package com.xml_project.morganaxdm Description

This package contains the classes implementing XQuery and XPath Data Model (XDM)